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Just a Dreamer.
by screambrandi2012

previous entry: Back from the Hospital.

next entry: Blood in my veins




Well I'm guessing I'm going to get to lay in my pajamas all week. haha. I have been the past two days since I left the hospital. I am still recovering. I have bruises and everything where they went in. I'm hungry, but I just ate some easy mac. Everything I eat seems to make me sick, I'm slowly drinking a gatorade right now. Mom's been cleaning all day and I've been laying in bed sleeping off and on. i've wrote a little in my journal and I've read a little. I finished Lover's Bite and now I'm reading Demon's Kiss. I'm going to try to hurry up and finish this one because I borrowed a book from April that she just bought and I want to hurry up and read that so I can give it back to her. It's the ninth book in the series that me and her are both reading. Of course I've read more than her in it because I have more time. We started in the middle of the series and I got some of the books from the public library so I have read more of the books than she has. I am so sleepy. Like oh my gosh. But i think I'm going to go back and lay down. Maybe read a little bit more and get some more rest.

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previous entry: Back from the Hospital.

next entry: Blood in my veins

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ryn: sorry you been sick! I love to read and I love the House of Night series. What have you been reading?

I got the 30 Letters in 30 Days from a friend on my faves list. Go ahead and take it.

[Greta GarbageStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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