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Just a Dreamer.
by screambrandi2012

previous entry: i love the way yuu love me.

next entry: [071610]

Back from the Hospital.


long, long, week.

Well this week has already been extremely long and it's only Thursday. The rest of the week I get to use getting rested and getting waited on by my whole family. Tuesday we stayed the night in Nashville because Wednesday I had to go to Vanderbilt to have a brain cath done. It's where they take two needles, one on each side of the groin area on my legs and run them through my veins to my brain. Oh my gosh my legs hurt so bad. I am just now starting to walk around better because I've been trying to walk around my house and do stuff for myself. They knocked me out during the procedure though, so I don't remember anything. They put a breathing tube down my throat though, and it hurt so bad. My throat is still killing me. I could barely talk yesterday. My mom went to town today to get me some popsicles and everything. I love my mommy. Tuesday, my uncle gave me some money and me and my cousin went to Books a Million when we were on our way to Nashville and I got The Emily The Strange book and I got Envy, the third in the Luxe series. Mom talked to the school board today, and I am going to be home schooled. Mom is still getting me school supplies though. Lol. I haven't read much today, which is unusual for me, isn't it?? I've been catching up with my shows though. I had to watch Secret Life, Huge, and Pretty Little Liars. My cousin brought her laptop to the hotel on Tuesday, but the hotel only had wifi, and her card was burnt out so I didn't get to get online. But oh well. I read all that night and wrote in my journal. Wednesday, when I was finally waking up and stuff we went to Ross and my cousin bought me a lime green zebra print magnetic board and two zebra print photo albums and my mom bought me a purple zebra print blankie. I love zebra print. Lol. My birthday is on the 23rd. I'll be 16 Braxton's is on the 20th and he'll be 15. I don't know what we are going to do. My mom told me we couldn't do much for mine because we don't have much money, so I asked my mom if they can take me to Cleveland so I can spend the day with braxton and she said it just depends on how everything is going and stuff so hopefully I can. I would love to spend my birthday with the boy that I'm absolutely head over heels in love with. My stomach is killing me so bad. I've been getting sick after everything I eat. It sucks so bad. Autumn called on Tuesday. I know for a fact that she is going to be there for my surgery. She told me that if she couldn't ride to the hospital with me that her mom said that she would take her. That makes me so happy. I hope Braxton gets to come, too. That would make me extremely happy. I know my daddy and my aunt are going to be there. I know my mom and cousin are too. But I think I'm going to go and read some for the first time today. And wait for my mom to get home.

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previous entry: i love the way yuu love me.

next entry: [071610]

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