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BuStY BaBe2009's Diary
by BuStY BaBe2009

previous entry: sex at the city :)

next entry: rainy day

fun while hubby is at work


Well today me and my husband went for the long drive of about 2 hours to pick up the wasn't that bad of a drive tho and I really wanted to see her so we went.we stopped for some snacks and alcohol on the way home and we got money out to get some pizza delivered.we all got home and my husband was a lil "excited" from all the affection I was gettin from my lady so the two of us pleasured him before he went to work . He left and we got a shower ..ordered our pizza and started on the drinks we where drinkink vodka and cranberry and after about 4 drinks we started to fool around we made love all the way until the food arrived then shut the door ordered our movie and befire it even started we were at it again it was amazing! And its a plus that she's gorgeous!I no looks aren't everythin and usually I go for personality but she is just to sexy to not give credit to!! Well I love all the comments and thanx everyone for welcoming me to bloop! Don't be afraid to contact me!!!!!

previous entry: sex at the city :)

next entry: rainy day

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