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Dr. Payton!!!!
So, we had to go to the emergency room last night.
Jake is sick.
But they gave him his stuff, and then we came home.
Were he took it, and slept the night away.
He's actually still sleeping.
It may be wrong to say, but he looks real cute when he's sick.
He is real cute when he's sick.
He takes care of me all the time.
And I never feel like he needs me for anything.
But last night, he needed me.
He was buning up so I put my habs on his face, and when that stopped working I got him a cool rag and whiped his face and neck off with it.
I rubbed his neck because he had a headache and I know that helps sometimes.
Don't get me wrong, I don't like seeing him sick.
I want him to get better really soon.
But, I dunno, it was just nice to FEEL needed.
Which he says is gay.
He told me that he needs me all the time.
As it turns out, I also ran into Cassie freaking Aikers in there to.
Her and her nasty ass boyfriend.
Because god likes to have a laugh every now and again, so he throws these people that I do not like, people that I HATE, right in my way.
Just to see what i'll do I suppose.
It wasn't hard to ignore her.
But we were in the waiting room for forever.
Which meant that I had to listen to her mindless dribble for about an hour or so.
I just took care of Jake.
That was my goal, and that was what I did.
Anyway, i'm sitting here eating chips and Chi-Chi's fiesta cheesy salsa.
That and quarter pounders, god how I love them.
I think i'm done for now though.
love must be as much a light...
as it is a flame.