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So, last night was lots of fun.
Jake got off work real early, and we hung out with Christy and them for pretty much most of the night.
David ended up cutting my hair.
And I like it a lot.
But I lost my phone over there somewhere.
So we have to go back tonight and look for it.
I found out yesterday that Chesba has been going around school trying to sell my dog.
And I will KILL her if she keeps doing it.
That pissed me off quite bit.
Today I feel like crap.
My head feels stuffy and my nose is all wacked out.
Plus my stomach hurts.
It's whatever though.
Jake felt Grape Face kick for the first time the other day.
I was so excited.
For some reason he hadn't been able to feel it until then.
Whats even better is that he hates touching pregnant bellies, but he'll touch mine.
So he was happy and weirded out at the same time.
I don't know though.
Right now i'm just kind of bored out of my mind.
love must be as much a light...
as it is a flame.