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Well, it's 1:17 am.
And I still can't sleep.
I'm not really sure what to update about either.
This is what I do when I have one of those sleepless nights.
I found out a secret about my dog that I find disturbing.
He lkes to chew on the crotch of my undies.
The dirty ones...
He's a real perv about it.
Like, he seeks those suckers OUT.
But a lot of people that i've talked to about it say that it's normal.
Seeing as he's a boy and everything.
I just think it's weird.
I mean, my old dog use to carry my undies away and hide them under the bed.
But she didn't like to chew on the nasty parts.
Little sucker just hid them from me.
I got to watch this weird ass "horror" movie a little while ago.
It was single handedly the worst thing i've seen in a long time.
But I was impressed by this one little thing.
Not one little drop.
No one got murdered while having sex.
There were no shower scenes.
Had the "monster" been a little better thought out, it wouldn't have been that bad.
It was Hallettsville by the way.
I just thought that it was retarded that the killer turned out to be a goat man.
He had to sacrafice people to stay alive, and of course the first born male in every generation of his family.
Curses are just no fun.
All in all, i'd give it about a 5.
I just want to watch a movie now days that doesn't suck balls, and has no nudity.
That's all I want people.
(Yes, I am one of those people who HATES nakedness in movies. In any form.)
And now a days, you just can't get that.
Especially not in the "scary" movie scene.
It's like everything has turned into glorified gore/fuck fests.
One movie I was impressed with was 1408.
No nudity, it was suspenseful.
And in the end it leaves you guessing.
I know it isn't technically a scary movie.
But it was pretty good for something of it's kind.
Even if they could just dull it down a little.
I got rather unpleasant news from Jake a little while ago.
Apparently Janet showed up at McDonalds earlier in his shift and kept talking to him, she even tried to get his phone number.
I hate this girl with a passion.
If I wasn't pregnant, GOD how I would want to hit her so badly.
This is a girl that I had to watch not only screw around with one of my best friends.
But even after she left him alone for a while, she screwed around on her boyfriend so bad it actually made me have sympathy for the guy.
I didn't like him at first, but after talking to him, and watching what he had to go through with her, it was no wonder he was so freaking uptight.
The girl is 15 years old.
Trying to screw around with my 19 year old friend.
After all that was done with, she started coming around with her guy.
Who she cheated on a countless number of times, she would send naked or half naked pics of herself to anything with a penis.
And she would tear this poor little guys head OFF if he so much as talked to another girl.
I just don't like her.
I especially don't like her trying to get my boyfriends number.
That's one thing I will not tolerate.
And for those wondering, yes.
Her poor unfortunate little boyfriend finally got some balls and dumped her.
He's with a much better little girl now.
Happy ending are always nice.
Anyways, i'm rambleing.
I think i'll end this here.
love must be as much a light...
as it is a flame.