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Well, last night was a pretty good night.
We went to Roberts to watch Raw, and so Tajuana could scan my ultra sounds.
I'm one step closer to getting those up on here.
But we stayed there till like 1 in the morning talking to Robert because Tajuana went to bed.
It was nice until we got on the topic of my grama.
Due to the fact that i'm a hormonal wench I couldn't stop myself from crying.
As it turns out, the money she gave me wasn't from tax returns.
It was from her retirement fund.
Which everyone has been bleeding her dry from.
My sister got a fucking truck.
One that she can't drive by the way, and she has no use for.
She just said that she wanted it, and she got it.
Fred has been hounding her for money.
Mom had her pay the shit for her trailer, and apparently got a lot more than that.
The only ones who haven't been bugging her for money is Robert and David and me.
I got really upset when I found out were the money came from.
But Robert said that she won't take it back.
She gave it to me because I need it.
He thinks that the reason she's been giving it away is because she's afraid she won't be around to spend it herself.
Which isn't something that I want to think about.
The reason that her heart stopped when she was at work last year was because of a major blockage, usualy something fixable right?
Not in my gramas case.
They can't operate on this one because it's somewere they can't go.
I can't remember were.
So the medicine can only help her for so long.
And she keeps having these spells and shit.
I don't like to think about my grama dieing.
She was like my mom.
And it would tear a lot of us apart.
Especially Robert and me.
I don't get to go over there as much as I want to.
But when I do it's nice.
I just get to sit and talk to her.
The hardest part is knowing that she wants me to stay.
I know that she never wanted me to move.
And she doesn't like it that i'm gone.
As soon as he started talking about it, I started crying.
I don't know, it just pisses me off that the doctors can't help her.
She doesn't deserve to go through that kind of shit.
In other news, I watched the Watchmen last night.
Not a fan.
Quite frankly I wasn't impressed with it at all.
But that's just my opinion.
I also found out that the 10th Pendragon is coming out May 12th.
I can't wait for that shit.
I've been waiting on that book for a while now.
Anyway, I have to get dressed, we're going to get a few things at the store now.
love must be as much a light...
as it is a flame.