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Apparently I have done something in the past few days that I am being punished for.
I am sick as shit.
Not just Pregnancy sick.
I vomit when I eat anything.
My throat feels like someone lit it on fire.
AND I have a sinus infection, along with a most unplesant side effect of sickness, the runs.
I'm also freezing.
Even after putting my hoodie on, and covering up with my dolphin blanket.
I'm hoping that it goes away soon.
I don't have medicade yet, and i'm afraid to go to the hospital, because I can't foot that kind of bill.
But I also don't know if it's good for me to be this sick while pregnant.
Or what all I can/should take.
So right now i'm eatig soup (Hoping to god it stays down) and waiting for Jake to get home.
I want to sleep, but he wants to play.
And I have to babysit at 2.
I'm such a sad facie right now...
love must be as much a light...
as it is a flame.