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So, I have yet to sleep tonight.
I had very little sleep this morning, what with dealing with my dad being shit faced the night before and everything.
I am SO tired, but sleep just doesn't want to happen for me right now.
Back to my dad being shit faced.
I was SO mad at him.
He was puking every were, he got vomit on Jake because he was helping him.
And we also had to deal with his Creeper ass neighbor Cregg, who kept coming over even after we told him to leave.
He kept saying he was bringing the demon out of my dad.
I was so close to strangling him that it wasn't funny.
Sadly Jake wouldn't let me, what with me being pregnant and all.
And it being illegal.
Can't forget that. lol.
But after he left for good things got better.
I remembered a line from an old movie.
It made me laugh.
Anyway, Jakes mom knows about the pregnancy now.
No more secrecy.
I think i'm going to end this now.
love must be as much a light...
as it is a flame.