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Well, Jake is getting the loan soon.
Yesterday he got his car, his mom gave him the 700 and he's paying it back to her when the loan comes in.
I'm excited.
He got the caddy.
It was a pretty good buy for 700.
A couple days ago we went to Walmart and got some stuff.
He said that he wanted me to paint with him, and seeing as how i've never done it before, I said ok.
It was a lot of fun.
I ended up painting something for my grama that she really liked.
He said that mine was a loud as painting because I used mainly neon colors on it.
But he said the point of it was to do what I wanted to do, and that's what I did.
I really like doing stuff like that with him.
A few weeks ago he helped me make a purse that I LOVE.
And now we did that together.
He's suppose to help me do some new stuff with Troys tank too.
The family night turned out ok.
We got some pizza and went to my gramas.
It was me, Jake, Nana, Papa, Dad, Robert, Mom, and Fred.
Cody and the other kids were there too.
But we sat around and ate pizza and talked.
Then me, Mom, Jake, and Nana played rummy for forever.
The only bad part was that Robert was suppose to come to the trailer afterward.
He went to the bar beforehand and my mom was going to try and make me lock him out.
I told her no, I wasn't doing that to him.
But Tajuana ended up not wanting to come or something anyway, so they didn't come.
It kind of made me sad.
Today, I don't really know what i'm doing.
It's up in the air at this point.
That's all for now though.
love must be as much a light...
as it is a flame.