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Jake baught this stuff to keep Atremis from chewing on everything..
He sprayed it all over the house tonight, and it was the most horrid smelling stuff i've ever smelt.
And I have smelled some nasty smelling things.
If it doesn't work on the dogs, it'll defanitly keep the PEOPLE from doing anything.
My doctors appointment was weird.
The nurse that took my blood and everything was really nice.
(Jake almost puked when she did it, I forgot that he hates needles. lol)
But i've never seen the doctor before, so it was quite odd talking to him.
My first ultra sound is Tuesday.
And my next doctors appointment is in like, 4 weeks.
I'll probably post pictures of the ultra sound.
Jake said that he didn't want me to, because he doesn't want people he doesn't know looking at his baby. lol.
But tis my baby too, and I want to.
We ran into David and Thomas today at Wallmart, and pissed off a lot of cars when we did.
They stopped in the middle of the street to talk to us in their car and held up trafic.
It was pretty funny.
This old lady glared like there was no tomorrow.
But I haven't seen them in forever, so I could care less.
Right now i'm eating lots of cheetos...
Being a really happy camper.
I'm probably going to be alone for most of the night.
Which will eventually lead to a LOT of boredom.
But it's whatever I guess.
I'm going to end this at that for now.
love must be as much a light...
as it is a flame.