Well, I got to talk to a lot of people I haven't talked to in a while the other day.
Much to my disliking I didn't get to go and hang out with Mykie. I'm hoping that he'll get a chance to come back down here sometime soon.
I got to talk to Doc.
Nikki. Who I haven't talked to in AGES.
And oddly enough Cassie. Wesleys aunt.
She's a pretty amazing person. And apparently she's going through a lot of rough shit, makes me want to go back to my old ways of kicking in shins for people. But I told her that I hoped things got better for her.
Codys birthday is today. But his party isn't until Saturday. We're going to Gatties. Woot-Woot. lol.
I have to get him something pretty good. I know what he wants though. So it shouldn't be hard.
Hmm, other than that things are pretty much the same.