I feel bad my friend asked me to go over tonight and I said I was busy cuz my sister was coming over. Totally not true...but I've seen so much of her these past 2 weeks it feels like I have nothing to say to her at the moment. She's also incredibly judgemental and right now I just don't need that. I always come away feeling depressed. feel really shitty about that.
been having a lot of strange dreams lately. I've dreamt twice recently that I've been time travelling, once to Germany (?!?!) and once just in my own town. Dream interpretation sites tell me this is me having regrets and wanting to go back in time (seems obvious). this could very well be true...been feeling very regretful. also had a random dream that I burst into tears talking to bec about not wanting to waste any more of my life. all my dreams seem to be pointing the same way right now. |