I just got my new netbook the keys are tiny, well they feel it, even though they're full sized lol. it feels amazing to be surfing the net on a proper computer not through my ipod, as much as i love it, it's just not practical for long term internet usage. I used the money out of my savings as the money from my shares STILL hasn't come, and my frustration levels are reaching sky high! I need this money damnit.
no real news on the house yet, just waiting for paperwork to be sent in from kerry i think, her and bec are off to essex tomorrow so hopefully we can get it underway in the next few days. Gonna be weeeird as not having bec at work, don't know how I'll manage without my partner in crime for the next week! Ah well, soon I'll be sick of her face
not much else to report, started going back to BMF, not in much pain afterwards which is gooood, got another class tomorrow, would've gone today but it's been doing nothing but raining today and I don't fancy another day of rolling round in a wet/grassy field. I've also started 'jogging' every evening, day four today, kinda looking forward to it actually. It's gotta be doing me good, right?