So yeah. I found another rawkin' band to jam to! The iTunes Single of the Week is Fireflies by Owl City from their (his? haha.) album "Ocean Eyes". So I totally loved the song and grabbed the full 14-song album. It's pretty dang jokes, yo!
And yeah. The "yo" has been coming at me from about seventeen thousand different directions lately. I've said in one entry how a chick in class said "yo" and it cracked me up. So yeah, she still does that on Myspace. Plus, she's rubbing off on others. Then the IRC people I talk to that are fans of the Youtube LPer raocow say yo like it was no thing. Then, of course, the Bloop YO. So yeah. I say it constantly now. Aloud and typing.
The latest haxx0rz would be my iPod Touch (first gen). I finally jailbroke it! With iPhoneOS 3.0, of course. So now I'm using Cydia and WinterBoard to do some crazy-awesome shenanigans.
Here's a normal iPod Touch homescreen:
And here's a screenshot of my homscreen:
(click to enlarge)
Woo! If you are wondering:
I changed fonts with FontSwap (source: and Calibri as the system font
The theme is Glass Orb iPod and Glass Orb Dock Violet
I enabled User Wallpaper and User Lock Wallpaper and got an image off of Google
Checked "No Docked Icon Labels" in WinterBoard
Have "Apple Glass Battery" and ordered it BELOW User Wallpaper in WB
I have Slide to Unlock Killer, though you didn't see it in the screenshot (it changes the "slide to unlock," "slide to cancel," etc. text with iFile)
MakeItMine so it says "carias!" and not "iPod"
iBlank to organize icons like I want
"Five Icon Dock" and ordered it Safari, Mail, Music, Videos, iTunes
Now I'm off to Jonny's house because I'm bored. |