I am! learnlangs.com has some online courses in Latin, which I am self-teaching now. I'm using Byki to help me memorize vocabulary. I now know numbers! Woo! Byki teaches with symbols for pronunciation purposes (trĂªs instead of tres), so I sort of just ignore them. My online class doesn't use them, so I don't.
nihil, unus, duo, tres, quattuor, quinque, sex, septem, octo, novem, decem, undecim, duodecim, tredecim, quattuordecim, quindecim, sedecim, septendecim, duodeviginti, undeviginti, viginti, viginti unus, viginti duo, ..., triginta, quadraginta, quinquaginta
The numbers use the masculine form of the adjectives. There is also a feminine and neuter form (for example, unus is also f. una and n. unum).
Now, me being interested in etymology and such, can't you see why lingua latina is amazing? Sex --> Six. Octo = 8, octopus. Nihil = Zero, nill is nothing. This stuff is great!
So yeah and yeah so. That would be what I'm doing in my spare time. Not reading one of the many, many novels that I have to finish before school starts back...
Speaking of school, I got my class schedule today!
Sophomore year
First Semester
1st: Adv. World History
2nd: Adv. Algebra/Trig
3rd: Honors English 10
4th: PE 10/Driver's Ed.
Second Semester
1st: Adv. Biology I
2nd: French III
3rd: Spanish I
4th: Pre-Calculus I-II |