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Non iam
by wugs

previous entry: Friday

next entry: Why?



Fuck Eric.

I still like Denny. :3

I think it's really bad for myself, but yeah, I texted him. His text-format is so cute. He has an exclamation point in every text. I mean if it can't go on a sentence he says "!" no kidding.

Perfection, thy name is--



(PS: Dunno if I ever explained "mmx" here. Basically, there are a bunch of sounds that are spelled mmm or mhm that are emphasized differently. Slaw and I decided that "mmm" means yummy, "mhm" means assent, and "mmx" means that disapproving little mummer/hum thing I always do. Not sure if that makes sense, but yeah. The "x" signifies badness, and Slaw came up with that. Do you now see why she is awesome? )

previous entry: Friday

next entry: Why?

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Mmx just makes me think of minx, yo! Now I have images of you making sounds that sound like 'minx' to demonstrate your disapproval!

[Estella the ElderStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Haha, no one catches that the x is silent until I explain it.

[carias|0 likes] [|reply]

^ Lol. I love the "mmx" thing!

[Aubrey;Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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