Has anyone here heard of Omegle.com? It's a site for talking to complete and total strangers. You can give personal info, but it's better when you don't.
Now sure, you can see where some people take this. Cybering and perverts/stalkers make up about 30% of the userbase. Some people are variable, I'd say about 50%. The remaining 20% are just genuinely nice people that will talk if you are cool and disconnect if you aren't.
So I've played with joking around, of course. That's fun.
But I just had like an hour and a half conversation with this really awesome chick. Now, obviously, I don't know if she was really a girl or really went to NYU or really recently broke up with her boyfriend, but I was actually honest with her. Well, on the basics. Fifteen, closet gay, and living in the south. She didn't believe I was 15 at first. Why? This is how the conversation went for a while:
You: hello
Stranger: the doctor is in....Welcome
You: So, wanna play some football?
Stranger: yes
You: You hold the ball
You: I'll run up and kick it
Stranger: ok
You: Why'd you take it away?
Stranger: shut it charlie Brown
You: So, where are you from?
Stranger: South Park, Colorado
You: Me too
Stranger: wow
Stranger: do you know cartman?
You: Yeah!
You: He's a douche
Stranger: R. Garrison molested me
Stranger: he and mr hand
You: Mr. Slave did things to me
You: involving animals
And on like that. So, of course, this is already my favorite conversation because we're playing off of each other. Then I started actually being honest.
You: So, guy or girl?
Stranger: girl
Stranger: u?
You: Guy
You: How old are you?
Stranger: 24
You: Ah, okay
You: Would that be why you can't see me as 15?
Stranger: dream on
Stranger: not into puooies
Stranger: puppies
You: hahaha
You: Does it help if I say I'm gay?
Stranger: really?
You: Yes, actually
Stranger: no way
You: In fact, you're one of the few people on Omegle I'm being honest to today.
Stranger: you swear?
You: Yes
Stranger: Gay is OK
You: If I was a homophobia straight guy, why would I pretend to be gay?
You: Yep
You: *homophobic
Stranger: because you are a compulsive liar?
You: haha
You: Nope
You: I don't lie to strangers, it appears
Stranger: i hope not
You: I mean, what's the point?
You: It's not like you'll ever know me.
Stranger: true
Stranger: very logical
Then she proceeded to give me the "gay test" to see if I was bullshitting her. I think I passed with flying colors. xD Basically it consisted of what I err...think about, you know what I mean? Anyway, so by then I guess she believes me.
We just kept going on like this for quite a while. It was great. So I might not do the dumb shit anymore because this was way more fun. |