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by ceruleandolphin

previous entry: The Mandy/Donna/Villy Survey

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Good Lord Give them Strength


My friend Melanie burried her husband today. He was 35. He died in his sleep Thursday. She asked me today how to get through it. All I could tell her was minute by minute. That she needed to do this her way, it was her tragedy. Some one told her to be strong not to cry. I told her to tell them I said shut the fuck up. REALLY? NOT CRY Ive been crying and it isnt my hurt, my friends hurt and i grieve for her and their three children but Jesus how calus is someone to tell her not to cry?

I also had to tell a now former friend of mine off at family night. She was gossiping that he may have taken his own life. I told her in no uncertain terms to shut the fuck up and if I heard her say it again it was on. I lost all respect for her mentioning such things in the Funeral home infont of my friends children where they could hear.

He had a heart condition from birth. No autopsy was performed, it was natural causes.

Stupid cow bitch.

My grandmother fell Saturday night. She went to the hospital yesterday. She is healthier than any of us at 87 she just needs to eat correctly. She has money she is just weird. She takes everything to the extreme. Someone told her that her blood sugar was 1 point too high. Now she watches any ANY carb intake like a hawk, but also forgets to eat proteins.


God give them Strength.

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How could she not cry! For herself, her loss. For her children and their loss. For her husband and the wife and children he will not grow old for. I don't even know them and I want to cry

And for that woman to be saying things like that... my god, where is the respect?!

Hope your grandmother recovers quickly!

[.Blue Bella.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

my compassion goes deeper than words. sigh....heartbreak

[empire state|0 likes] [|reply]

Im glad she has a friend like you to stand beside her xo

[~*Pagan*~Star|0 likes] [|reply]


My dad died when I was 10, my sis was 12. I remember someone (can't remember who) pulled us into a room at the funeral home and told us to stop crying because we needed to be strong for our mom.


I don't remember who it was, but if I remember how much it devastated me.

I hope your friend finds the strength she needs to get through this rough time. So sad.

[PeachyKeenJellyBeanStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I remember being told something similar when my foster mom died. I was 11, and I'd been with her for almost 6 years. I was told not to cry because a) "Judy wouldn't want that. She'd want you to be happy." and b) it wasn't fair to my foster father to make him deal with a weepy child in his time of grief.

People are such morons.

[Villy|0 likes] [|reply]

thats the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard, not to cry. why, should she be happy her husband is with Jesus now or some hogshit?? Im sorry to hear of your loss, Beth. and good work telling that "friend" to STFU!! some friend anyway, sheesh. *hugs*.

[mrs mandy mooStar|0 likes] [|reply]

How awful for your friend and her family! I will keep them in my thoughts. Good for you for telling off that person...she had no right to say such things whether she thought them or not and to say them at the funeral home is completely uncalled for!

[Mommy_Bunny|0 likes] [|reply]

Even Jesus cried when his friend died. Shortest verse in the Bible is "Jesus wept".

I hope your grandmother gets her eating sorted.

~ Hugs ~

[just del|0 likes] [|reply]

A friend from college lost her husband several months ago...heart attack...40 yr old man...great health. Just gone, just like that! No sense at all.
Here I am..with a hubby that has multiple heath issues, and (thank god) still have him...and perfectly healthy people go...
it just doesn't make sense!

[*Stealth Bombshell*|0 likes] [|reply]

I want to hug her everytime I see her... I still can't imagine her pain...

[Janet Ann|0 likes] [|reply]

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