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In Mourning
by charity.funds

previous entry: MIA: Reason Why and continue my MIA

next entry: Starting over

Financial Update


Still processing everything I know I have been MIA for almost a year, but the passing of my father, sister, and family member have hit so...hard that I wasn't able to clear up a fogged in my brain, and I just need sometime to grieve because I haven't completely grieve to be in a place to say okay. Yesterday, I check bloop and my frontpage was gone I was like "WHAT!?" So I quickly try to recreate how it was looking before it disappeared. I hope I wasn't the only one that their front page was gone. Also, I want to join a fitness virtual challenge, but I need to budget for it. I am weighing my options and I have add it to my little section called Budget for it. Do you guys think it is a good idea? Financial Update: Well, I suck have saving and my bank account is gone. I have try the cash envelope system and that is a failure for me. At first, I was okay with it and now I am thinking, "This is not working for me." What is working for me is me hiding all my credit cards and forgetting that I have them. Also, deleting my credit cards from PayPal, PayPal make it easy to pay for things. So, I had to used my amazon chase card for emergency reason, but I will pay back when I get my next paycheck. I am starting to feel overwhelmed and I need to find another job. I can't seem to find one that will fit my schedule, the only time I can work the weekends, some morning for 6 am - 11 am and late night like midnight - 2 am, but some days I have to take my uncle to his doctor appointments (this is my main job). If I take a regulars job I would be afraid of being fired from it for taking time off a lot to take care of my uncle. I need to figure out what type of jobs can fit my schedule because right now I need another paycheck to help me budget and save for my student loan. Also, if your thinking what about your Etsy shop? I am not ready to reopen or prepare for a reopening on my shop. I just think to get things ready for it first. Here is an update on what subscription and credit card that I have (so far).
Subscription IPSY Boxycharm Scentbird (3 month skip) Disney+ Twitch Patreon Chegg (will cancel after I finish my current class) Current Credit Card Balances Piercing Pagoda: $349.15 Kay Jewelers: $308.06 CLOSED Amazon Chase: $465.22 Amazon Store Card: $355.09 CLOSED Credit one: $676.57 JC Penny Card: $1,738.44 Macy Card: $697.84

Fundraiser Goal Pay off Credit Cards Debt
Save for student loans
Budget for it: Daily Pet food - $40.00
Budget for it The Conqueror app - $29.95 each challenges The Pacer app - $29.99 each challenges Walmart + - $12.95 Costco membership renewal

Needs SAVE!! money SAVE!! For student loan Pay off credit cards debts Wants (Rewards) Books (no spend for 4 months) Zac Posen Delta Airlines Passport Plum Handbag (ALL credit cards paid off) COACH Rowan Satchel Handbag (ALL debt must be paid off & do all the needs)

Reality LifeThese are my website.

Tears You Cry (fanlisting) Color Fade (????)
My Bloop Diaries masquerade (personal) Colorlover (css code) Penpal Coming soon/ Hitaus Tutorial (will be Html) Test Diary(soon:Layout diary??) scavenger.hunts (coming back soon!) Come and join @ scavenger.hunts Credit Color Lover Project Service

previous entry: MIA: Reason Why and continue my MIA

next entry: Starting over

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