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Fritos and Bean Dip
by Lady Cherbear573

previous entry: I'm easy like Sunday mornin'...

next entry: Finish this sentence

30 Qs + 30 Qs = A lot of answers!


"You must do the thing you think you can not do." - Eleanor Roosevelt

1. What are three things you and your best friend have in common? Similar music tastes and senses of humor. We're both pretty realistic.

2. What was the last piece of fruit you ate? What about vegetable? I had a banana yesterday & some carrots the night before that.

3. Do you own anything with a touch-screen? No

4. Have you ever disliked your sibling's significant other? I don't have a sibling.

5. What is the last song you listened to? "Since You've Been Gone" by Kelly Clarkson

6. Whose birthday did you last celebrate? Umm.... Jen's, last month.

7. If you could have dinner with any two people, who would it be? My parents. I haven't seen them in a couple of years now.

8. Have you ever been come up to by a model scout? No

9. Has a stranger of the opposite sex ever complimented you? Sure

10. What is your favorite food and drink? My favorite is a heart attack on a plate. There's a restaurant called The 5 & Diner. They have, or used to have, something called the Francheeze. It's a hot dog wrapped in cheese & bacon. Served in a bun, of course, and with French fries. Put cheese on the fries & top it off with a chocolate shake (made w/ice cream & topped w/real whipping cream) and I am in FOOD HEAVEN! *drools* You could almost feel you're arteries clogging. It was so good though.

11. When is the next time you're traveling out of state? No clue

12. Is your city prone to natural disasters? Well, yeah. We're still in Tornado Alley & we had a wicked one about 20 miles from town last year.

13. Has your least favorite color ever been your favorite? No

14. Has your favorite color ever been your least favorite? No

15. Who in your family do you tell the most to? Shawn or my Dad

16. Have you ever traveled outside the country? Where to? Yep! *beams* I spent a week in Ireland.

17. When is the last time you went to sleep smiling? Umm.... Really? No clue.

18. Do you help out around the house often? No one is is going to do it.

19. Do you have any homework to be done? No but I have WORK work to do.

20. When is the last time you wore a dress? My niece's wedding

21. Will you have a Valentine this year? I did.

22. Is there anyone in the room with you right now? Yes. Shelly's vacuuming the lobby & there's a guest using the Business Library.

23. How many people have you kissed in your life? Romantically, about 10 or 12, I think?

24. What is your favorite ice-cream flavor? Chocolate

25. Are you excited for winter to end? Very much so.

26. What have you done today? Came to work. Ran my reports & set up the housekeeping boards. Assigned rooms for tonight's reservations. Checked people out & updated the boards. Messed around with my dragons. Finished the last entry. Messed around with my dragons again. That's about it so far.

27. Do you like Kanye West? I've never actually heard his songs.

28. Are you mad at anyone right now? I'm not too keen on Chris' mom right now.

29. Do you kiss on the first date? If it feels right

30. What's your favorite restaurant? The aforementioned 5 & Diner. Specifically, the one on 16th St & Missouri in Phoenix Arizona


1. What was the main subject of your last telephone conversation? Somebody smelled something burning. Turns out their room is right above the kitchen/breakfast area. People burn toast all the time.

Umm... What happened to #2?

3. When was your last long conversation in general? Last night, I guess. Talking with Shawn

4. If the last person you kissed tried to kiss you again, would you start kissing them back? Of course I would.

5. If your best friend of the opposite sex tried to kiss you, would you start kissing them back? Well, Shawn IS my best friend & of the opposite sex so, yes, I would. Someone other than him, no.

6. Have you ever kissed someone who has previously kissed someone you hated? I don't... Wait. Yes. Yes, I have.

7. What do you like most about the song you are listening to/last listened to? I don't remember what it was.

8. Explain in detail exactly what you were doing four hours ago. It was just going on 5:30 a.m. I was laying in bed, on my right side, with a pillow between my knees. I was blissfully asleep.

9. Explain what you will be doing in three hours. I'll be checking people out of the hotel's computer system and running the afternoon's reports. Speaking of which, I need to run some right now.

10. How old is everyone that you last hung out with? That'd be Shawn. He's 39.

11. When is the last time you did something illegal? This morning. I drove without my seatbelt on.

12. When is the last time you yawned? Sometime during the last survey when you asked me if I fel like yawning.

13. Was your last sexual encounter enjoyable? Yes

14. What is the largest age difference between you and someone you have hooked up with? 3 1/2 years.

15. How much money did you spend today? None yet.

16. What did you spend that money on? I'm fixin' to go get me a Coke soon.

17. Where did you go today? Just to work.

18. What is the first line in the song you are currently listening to/last listened to? I have no idea.

19. What exactly did you drink the last time you were intoxicated? I don't remember. It's been too long.

20. How much sleep are you anticipating on getting tonight? Not nearly as much as I should.

21. When is the last time you gave someone a dirty look? *shrugs*

22. Are you a rude person? I don't think so. Too many years of customer service jobs. I think I'd actually have to TRY to be rude.

23. Would you ever think about painting your ceiling your favorite color? A red ceiling? *ponders* Interesting but... nah.

24. Do you think the next person you kiss will be a better kisser than the last person you kissed? No, the next person I kiss will probably be my stepson.

25. On a scale of 1 to 10, how attractive do you honestly find yourself on most days? About a 5, usually.

26. Is your all-time favorite television show still on air? Yep, it's always on somewhere.

27. Are you planning any upcoming vacations? No, unfortunately.

28. Are you an easy lay? Only where my husband is concerned.

29. When is the last time you spent time with the one you have feelings for? Last night, before he went to work.

30. Is the last person whose voice you heard sexy? Not particularly, no.

previous entry: I'm easy like Sunday mornin'...

next entry: Finish this sentence

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