1. Spell your name without an E,R,S,H,N,Y,K,V,M,L,A,: C - lol, that's all.
2. Are you single? Nope - Happily married
3. Whats your favorite number[s]? 7
4. Whats your favorite color? Red
5. Least favorite color? Orange
6. What are you listening to? Nickleback's Gotta Be Somebody - really liking that song
7. Are you happy with your life right now? Yeah, it's not too shabby
Whoa.. Deleted a few questions, did we?
16. Do you know someone named Casey? Nope
17. Do you know anyone named Dave? Well... Yes but it's been 10+ year since I've seen him.
18. Ever kissed anyone with a name starting with S? Everyday
19. Do you have any siblings? Nope, just me.
20. Do you look alike?
21. What color are the walls in your bedroom? Taupe
22. Who did you see in person today? Shawn & co-workers Asako, Michelle, Nancy, Darla, Shelly & Amber as well as a boatload of hotel guests.
24. Are you a heavy sleeper? *sighs* I wish
25. Who did you last hug? Shawn - he came to see me at work this morning.
26. Are you taller than 5'3"? I'm about 5' 7".
27. Eaten a bug before? Not on purpose
28. Ever see a dead body other than at a funeral? Anatomy class. Very cool thing, btw.
29. Do you like the color green? Yep
30. Who was the last person to send you a text message? Jen, I think.
31. Who did you last call? Co-worker Amber
32. Ever drove into the ghetto to buy drugs? ...no...
33. Last restaurant you went to? McDonald's last night
34. What made you smile today? Shawn dropped in to see me before he went home. Totally unexpected.
35. What did you do yesterday? Worked 7a-3p with Boss Lady, fought with Shawn & Chris before heading out to Wal-Mart for Shawn's eye appointment, helped him pick out new frames, found a new pair for myself, had McDonald's for dinner, packed Chris up for the weekend & took him over to his Gram's.
36. What would you do with a million dollars? Buy a house, make renovations to said house & travel.
37. How many hours did you sleep for last night? Probably about 5 or 6, I think.
38. Last time you were sick? I'd had a bit of a cold last month
39. Who's the last person that you felt was stalking you? A guy in my apartment complex before I moved to Arkansas.
40. Do you like your school? --
41. What jewelery are you wearing? None, I forgot my watch & ring this morning.
42. Anything fun happen today? I'm finally being able to catch up here.
43. Anything bad happen today? SSHHH!!! Not yet. Don't jinx me!! I still have 4 1/2 hours left in my shift & a metric ASSLOAD of group reservations coming in today. Not only that, the manager left town this morning for her cruise vacation. I CAN'T have anything go wrong today. Just, please, let me get through today...
44. Do you wanna fight anyone? I'll fight whoever screws up my reservations for tonight!!
45. What's the last thing you bought? A Coke this morning
46. Have you cried today? No but I will if anything happens. damn hormones
47. Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now? Eh, maybe. Shawn's asleep but Jen & my dad are getting ready for work so they might have a passing thought.
48. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? Nope, the wonders of sneakers with velcro & elastic straps.
49. What is the color of your bedsheets? RED, BABY!
50. Have you ever crawled through a window? No, never needed to.
51. Are you photogenic? meh, not really
52. Do you like to draw? I doodle but it's mostly just shapes and spirals.
53. Are you good at saving money? When I need to.
54. What should you be doing right now? Filling out paperwork
55. Do you have a tattoo? No
56. Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings? No, I have to work Saturdays.
57. Is there a secret you've never told your best friend? No, they pretty much know every dirty little secret.
58. Have you ever told someone you hated them? I'm sure but not for years.
59. Have you ever changed your clothes in the car? I don't think so.
60. What are you doing in 2008? I did all kinds of things in 2008. Most notably, helped my husband kick cancer's ass!!!
61. What is your ringtone? They're different for most everyone.
62. What were you doing at 2am last night? Sleeping
63. What are you doing tomorrow? I'm working 7a - 12p. After that, I'll probably do more dishes & hang some laundry if the weather's nice enough.
64. Who did you last message on Myspace? ...um, wait, I know this one. *thinks* Fudge, I don't remember!
65. Does it annoy you when someone says they'll call but never do? Yes, but I'm guilty of it too. |