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Fritos and Bean Dip
by Lady Cherbear573

previous entry: Swiped from Chaz

next entry: I'm procrastinating

It's a Saturday morning & I'm at work, as usual


"You must do the thing you think you can not do." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Do you have tea bags in your room? No, tea bags would be in the kitchen, wouldn't they?

Who's your worst enemy? Right now? Chris' mom. His birthday was on the 4th and she STILL hasn't called him.

How often do you drink Monster? What?

How many periods/blocks does your school have? I don't remember. That was almost 20 years ago. Ack!

When was the last time you talked to your fourth best friend? I don't have one.

How many times has your most played song been played? o_O

Do you have any poster on your walls? None

Is your cell phone dead? Yes, it is.

How about your iPod? Don't have one.

Do you own any hair extentions from Hot Topic? I don't own any hair extension, period.

Are you going to the mall tomorrow? I don't think so.

What are you afraid of? A number of things

Firefox or IE? IE

Does your computer beep for no reason at any random time? No

Do you borrow CD's from your public library? No

7-11, Sheetz, WaWa, or Starbucks? Circle K *remembers Shane running in a circle saying, "K! K! K! K!"* LOL

Why is there a water bottle sitting on your dresser? There isn't.

What color do you want to dye your hair? The color I originally wanted it to be. A darkish brown, not black!

How often do you watch NBC? I don't know.

Do you have a YouTube account? No

Have you ever made totally pointless videos with your friends?

Do you need to buy a new gluestick? Yes, the one I have doesn't work worth a damn on photos.

How often do you shop at Dollar General? Never

Have you ever lived right behind a McDonald's? No but if we get this house, we'll be about a block away from one.

Do your pets like to destroy the house? No but Perdi loves to take one or two things out of the trash in the kitchen & shred it on the living room floor.

What's your favorite sad song? Can't pick just one.

Do you like to buy those Warped Tour compilations? Never heard of them

What's your current MySpace profile song? There are a few Nickleback songs, a Taylor Swift song, Bon Jovi & a local duo - Nik & Sam

Do bunnies roam around your backyard at night? No, a squirrel or two, maybe.

Are the windows in your bedroom open? No, the A/C's on & Shawn's trying to sleep.

Was it 70 degrees where you live on Thursday? Somewhere around there.

Do you eat candy canes even when it's not Christmas time? Not usually.

What do you want to name your kids? Emma and Nicholas

How many people do you know that currently have a cast on their arm? None

When's the last time you did the Macerena? Never

Woo Hoo! It's almost 10 o'clock!

Look at the floor. Okay. It's still there. Now what?

What's the first thing you see? The carpet pattern

Do you personally know any authors? Sort of. The Venerable Pooh's wife is a published author. I also knew Stephanie Maynard who had a romance published before I moved away. Didn't like her, personally, but she wrote a good book.

How many pillows are on your bed? 4

What band have you listened to the most the past couple of days? Nickleback & Taylor Swift. What a combo, huh?

previous entry: Swiped from Chaz

next entry: I'm procrastinating

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RYC: Thanks for stopping by...Yeh I wanted to know what the whole zombie parade was about...but the city is full of freaks anyway...street performers and such...I'm sure there was a logical reason...maybe LOL

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