strike So, I have a ton of stuff to do between today and tomorrow. What's new, right? We decided we aren't going to try and camp this weekend. Michael and I both have pretty bad colds as a result of last weekend and the rain. I just wish the rain would go away. Not just so we can go camping but because it is soooo depressing! I'm determined to have a nice relaxing mother's day. Maybe Jeff will make me breakfast? Then later we are having a cookout with my mom and family at a local ruritan park. I don't particularly like the place but like mom said it's so "open" that the twins (my sis's two year olds) can just run without getting into much trouble. I think it's her hope that they wear themselves out to the point of exhaustion so they won't be to hard to handle later when they all go home. But it's suppose to be pretty. We'll see. But I don't want to go into the weekend with a messy house and be stressed out over it. I don't care if I have to wash the clothes and hang them in the long as they're up and not scattered everywhere. It's apparent I do not have enough baskets to contain that mountain.
Other than that, not much else going on. I'm about half-way through the next book I started reading so hopefully I'll make my 4 day goal. I forgot that I'm adding Harry Potter books as a category. So, I'll have to check cause I don't know if that makes 8 or 9 categories according to my previous entry. I need to go sign in and update my blog on that other site. Jenn had a good idea for a category of "books I've already read prior to challenge" lol. Might work if I don't have enough categories. I thought about re-reading them to make it fair but they were read in this year AND if I did I know I wouldn't be able to reach the goal. Maybe after all books are read and there's time I will go back and read them. I really wanted to make the goal of having them read by the date 9/9/09 but I REALLY don't see that happening. Like Jenn said, imagine next would be 100 books. Anyways, I'm gonna close this and get some laundry done while there is a break in the weather and the sun is shining. Hopefully this time they will dry in time and I won't forget to get them off the line. I did that yesterday though they probably weren't dry anyways. ttfn!strike
Time: 7:58 am Mood: determined Tunes: none just the t.v. Ladida Layouts