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Ver.3: ♠ Modern
by colorlover
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Ver.3: ♠ Modern
by colorlover

previous entry: Bloopdiary: masquerade yellow, white on black

next entry: Fading sun: Yellow, Pink, Purple on white

bloopdiary: charity.funds Tan, White, on dark blue


Hi everyone!!
I decided to opened this diary so I can used to the CSS codes. So if you used my css codes Please Credit Me. For example: Texttexttexttext

Your eyes have told a thousand lies But I believe them when they look in mine I heard the rumours but you won't come clean I guees i'm hoping it's because of me

previous entry: Bloopdiary: masquerade yellow, white on black

next entry: Fading sun: Yellow, Pink, Purple on white

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Have you looked at this layout in Chrome? It looks all screwy. There are big, random white letters floating around everywhere.

[Anonymous SourceStar|0 likes] [|reply]

hey sweetie. wanted to let you know that in IE it looks great.. but in google's all like funky like what chris said above.. you might want to notate it to say best viewed in IE

[Uniquely DesignedStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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