I hate it when I don't get comments on my entries! You guys!! It's so mean!!! Hurry up and comment me, or I'll never write again!! It's true!
Also, please take a look at my friend Charlie's new bloopdiary. It's called theboyontheroof ...I'm not making that a link because I'm too goddamn lazy.
Real entry that way <-- ...Actually even that's not much of an entry... but like, I haven't written for AGES, and when I finally come back, it's been like, five hours since I wrote that last entry and still no love!
My coldsore no longer looks like a coldsore, I wonder if that means I can work now? It still feels a little weird... I guess I better not. Not good for business if I start giving my clients coldsores and their wives* are like WHO HAVE YOU BEEN KISSING AND WHAT ARE YOU SPENDING OUR MONEY ON? WHAT'S HER NAME??? I wonder, would their wives be more upset if they knew they were seeing a MALE prostitute?
*Only a few of my clients have had wives but I like to imagine that they all have wives and children and are living out some kind of secret life with me, because that's just what turns me on at the time. lol. Really, I don't ask them, why would I? But like I said, on a few instances they've been wearing a wedding ring.
Oh, god, this entry is so not going to win me any friends. Whatever. Go visit theboyontheroof and leave him comments so that he keeps updating his diary because I'm worried he might be dead.