Have you ever heard a unborn child's heartbeat? It is quick paced and sounds so light. Amazingly, I heard my babies heart beat yesterday, it was odd but somehow beautiful. How could anyone want to destroy that symphony of new music coming from inside a little heart.
It made me think of Abortion. Of how women chose to kill that little sound, i know people say there are reasons why: Incest, rape...ect. but when you look at those things and see the outcome, how could you ever want to destroy a new life that is in your care. How could anyone possibly think it is not alive and not worth saving? I know those despicable acts will never fade, and the people that have to endure it must work through it and should not have to deal with, yet, another burden but here is the reality, that child they carry is innocent. There are things out there to help with the change, and give options.
I guess I won't say wether I believe it to be right or wrong but here is the truth, we have not the right to destroy a life. Murder, in whatever way, is still murder and wrong. We must all deal with it in our own way but deal with the circumstances we have to. |