ChallengeD So, I entered a few challenges so far for Redlight Rhapsody. I am not sure if I like them or not...but hey! I'm just happy to have photoshop working again and a new computer! So, thumbs up!
This is with the lyrics from "Funhouse" by Pink. I guess it's alright, I don't really know if I like it or not! I made a different one that I liked more, but it was before I took a second look and the challenges and saw it was supposed to be a blend. -_-' Oh well. The following is the result:
This one is supposed to be a Post Secret. I like the look of the traditional ones, so this is what I ended up with. It didn't have to be a secret really, but I guess this one sort of is a secret about me at times. But no, I don't have a mohawk.
Anyway, that is all for now! I am attempting to work on my ~themed LIMS icon (which I can do properly now and not on Picnik yay!), and who knows what else! Rainy days inspire creativity (out of boredom I presume!)