I fancy myself a storyteller, a weaver of words. I like to recount stories and I remember even the most insignificant detail. I like to record the details that I can obtain from every facet of my life and I like to tell my stories. I have attempted to write fiction before, immersing myself my character.. bringing pieces of myself to life within my heroine or my hero, weaving a rich and intricate background that wraps itself fully around the tales that breathe themselves into being inside of my head. But, that is not what this is.
This is not fiction. I have been looking for a place to rest the truth and for now, This seems to be as good a place as any. I am no stranger to the world of blogging, journaling, diary keeping. Like many here, I write for a while and walk away, only to return down the road because we are creatures of habit. You know who you are. There is nothing quite like the online diary format.. so much more personal than a big open blog.
I suppose this diary may serve as a confessional of sorts, as I have a job that is... Lets say, unusual... and that is the subject which I plan to write about almost exclusively. Names, locations, and any other kind of identifying information will be changed to protect my identity. What I do is legal, but poses its own set of unique complications and safety risks, so I'm sure you understand.
So with out any further dancing around the subject, my first confession is this:
I am employed in the adult industry.
I am a sex worker.
I am what you call a "Webcam Model" or simply stated, a Cam Girl.
I will have time to go into more detail in the next entry, so until then... Please feel free to Ask Me Anything. I will answer any and all questions you may have to the best of my ability. Plus, it has the added bonus of giving me an aspect to focus on because in the beginning, the task of recording this can seem daunting.
Until then,