Goals for Today:
- finish geometry homework.
- maybe actually listen to that Jimi Hendrix CD.
- watch THE SECRET LIFE because Jess is making me. =O
Okay, so for the first time ever, my boyfriend kissed me in school today. Ha, I know.
Not a big deal, right? But it sure felt like a big deal to me, because most guys either
show too MUCH PDA or certainly not enough, and I'm just glad that he's inbetween.
Know what I want? I facial piercing. I don't particularly care what kind, I just want one.
Like my eyebrow or my nose. Nothing too drastic. But of course, my mother is dead-set
against it. I can't say I don't blame her. I suppose it's like a mother's worst nightmare,
when their Precious Little Daughter defiles her face.
We're supposed to get like, three to five inches of snow tonight. I so hope we do...that
way I won't have school and I can sleep and sleep and eat and play in the snow, like
when I was in grade school. Doesn't everyone want that?
I want some potatoes. |