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In pursuit of happiness
by dreams.came.true

previous entry: Away for a couple of days

next entry: Sigh



I received my Concealed Weapon Permit in today’s mail. It only took a couple of days longer than the 90 days they promised, I had hoped it would arrive this week but I wasn’t necessarily expecting it to arrive. It doesn’t mean I’ll be carrying a gun everywhere I go but it does mean that a loaded gun will likely remain in my car at all times and I’ll be more likely to slip one in my pocket for some things, like a visit to an ATM or taking the dog out for a nighttime walk.

I had an enjoyable visit to North Carolina Saturday. Met some old friends and even a couple of friends I have only exchanged e-mails and hobby forum conversations with. There were some gorgeous model cars on display, I didn’t bring any of mine but I took lots of photographs.

This last one was built by the man I traveled with, he used decals that I had created artwork for:

I purchased a couple of things but the only thing of note was a hand-cast kit to produce a model of the 1971 AMC Hornet SC-360. I love oddball cars and few things are more oddball than that one.

previous entry: Away for a couple of days

next entry: Sigh

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That is very creepy

[I.See.Kiwi.|0 likes] [|reply]

I am off and on here, all the time.

[I.See.Kiwi.|0 likes] [|reply]

[ddfrogerStar|0 likes] [|reply] you need a permit to carry a gun? Because it seems like a lot of people have guns and don't have permits. =/ But at least you got your permit.

North Carolina sounds so beautiful. I want to go there one day.
Glad you got to meet some online buddies! I would love to meet some of mine some day!! =]

Those model cars are amazing!

[beautiful.nightmareStar|0 likes] [|reply]

ryc: That's a great idea. Thanks!


[crazy dazyStar|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: Away for a couple of days

next entry: Sigh

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