Conventional Weapons IT HAS TURNED INTO A FULL BLOWN STINKING COLD! Joy. So week 1,
I hurt my knee. Now week 2 I am suffering from a cold. I wonder what week 3 will bring.....
Anyway this is my third day off and I planned to go to the gym to do some weights. Fat chance, I thought it was best to rest a bit more and recover from this cold. Instead I nipped to Tescos and work to get ingredients to make cheese scones. Low fat ones. When I popped int work I got roped into doing extra hours so I am now working thursday for 5 hours and my hours for friday have changed. I did want more hours but then the time off would have been nice for my cold. The cheese scones were also a failure. They turned out no where near as nice as Becca's, which is depressing. On the bright side dinner was a success. I decided to make turkey burgers as a healthier protein fueled alternative to beef burgers. I was originally just making them for my and my brother but I thought I'd make them for mum and dad too. Everyone really enjoyed them which was great! I'll definitely make them again! Early night for me, hoping cold disappears before Pure Cardio in the morning.
Cardio Power & Resistance
Oh dear lord Insanity is insane on a normal day but to do it with a cold is almost a near death experience. My nose was irritating and runny, I couldn't breathe, my teeth ached. I tried to do the best I could and as much as I could but it was pure and utter hell. I couldn't even tell if I had improved because I just wanted it to end....
Food Intake
Benefit cereal
84 calorie crisps
1/2 WM bagel with peanut butter
Cucumber sticks with houmous
Wholewheat bread, one slice buttered.
2 low fat cheese scones
Turkey burger in a wholemeal bun, salad, potato hoops.
Lots of tea for the day before Lent
2 x protein shakes
Bottle of water.