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Heather's Comment Layouts
by comment.layouts

previous entry: Request for waiting for your cal

next entry: Request for !knocked up with#3!

Taking Over...Again


Hi again. LoL notice that I just made an entry for **Avada Kedavra**. The owner of this diary was also the owner of the Harry Potter diary. After we talked about the HP diary she asked if I would like to take over her comment layout diary...I told her I would be love to since she was the one who taught me how to make comment layouts and use html.

Heather apologizes for not updating this diary or the HP diary...she never found the time now I am in charge of both of the diaries.

You may know me as CrystalShapedHeart.

previous entry: Request for waiting for your cal

next entry: Request for !knocked up with#3!

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IT happens. I'm sure you will do just fine with the diary

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