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Heather's Comment Layouts
by comment.layouts

previous entry: Christmas

next entry: Request for LovingღMother



I woke up twenty minutes ago and suddenly thought of my abandoned comment layout diary. I have more than one diary on this site and there are a few that I don't update as much anymore. This diary, my movie diary, and survey diary. I plan to keep my survey diary but I may delete the movie diary. It was fun for a while but I don't have the time for it.

I was planning on deleting this diary but I find I can't. I'll keep it but I can't keep any promises that I'll be updating a lot. School is starting next week and that gets in the way of all my social activities.

previous entry: Christmas

next entry: Request for LovingღMother

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I'll miss this. Can you recommend someone while you're gone?

[cherbear573|0 likes] [|reply]

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