good morning bloopies! lol
so last night we had our neighbors over. brandon played xbox with gary and his fiance ariana watched tv with me & bella. well after they left, gary went upstairs to go to "bed" (play xbox some more since its his weekend off) and within minutes i bring bella upstairs to put to bed.
well 45 minutes goes by and gary comes down our creeky wooden stairs.loud. now we have always known how to walk our stairs when bella was asleep. well he woke her. so up i went, gave her a lil bottle & back to sleep she went. he went to "bed" and i went back downstairs to watch tv n have mommy time.
so lets fastforward to me being in asleep for almost 3hrs & she wakes again. i lay there a few while she fusses to see if gary would get up. he didnt. so up i go to her to give her the bottle,sat on the floor and played poker on my cell while i waited for her to be back out. while im waitin he gets up to pee. so i know he was awake when bella cried. so he just ignored her and knew i would get her. i had some words with him in the bedroom after he peed and he just went back to bed. idiot.
so she fell back asleep & i went back to sleep. and i guess she woke up at 830 but gary was already up so he got her,changed her diaper and took her downstairs. and fed her breakfast. but cuz he let her have snacks before breakfast, she didnt eat all her breakfast. that doesnt happen with mommy! lol
but i was pleased he got up with her this morning and occupied her til he woke me after 930 to tell me he was going quad riding. of course.
so its me and bella right now. and our pets of course. bellas gettin 1yr molars so im hoping garys home a reasonable time so we can go get her baby advil.
bellas sittin on my lap right now and she just makes me feel soooo whole. like all the shit with her dad is worth it cuz i get the better end of the deal...i bond more with our daughter. and kisses from her are the bees knees!
not much to do today. gardening will have to wait cuz we are lookin at a weeks worth of rain here in new york. fuckkkk! oh well..more learnin time for bella!
ok bellas off my lap & back to mischief!
stay sweet <3 |