I'm going to cross-post from LJ, but that is because THIS IS A VERY EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT, and also, I can't be bothered to type it out again.
Allow me to show you my purchase today, or if you will "The most brilliant purchase I have made this year" excluding my iPhone of course:
That, my friends, is a 1950s edition of The Worst Journey in the World by Apsley Cherry-Garrard, acclaimed polar explorer and survivor of the Terra Nova expedition (the one where everyone Scott died).
I fear the true enthusiasm and excitement I have is not being conveyed through this blog entry. I have been hunting down a decent copy of this book for the last few years (some books you just can't buy in a £10 paperback).
Just to put the final sparkle in an awesome find, it was only £8. The bookseller clearly is not a polar enthusiast. I would've paid probably £20 for that book (ok, who am I kidding... I'd probably have paid £30, but I would've been racked by guilt later on).
The secondhand bookshop I got it from is only open on Saturdays and only opened this year, and I didn't even know it existed until I walked past idly staring into windows. There was this book, looking back at me. It was fate. It is my new favourite bookshop. Next on my list to buy in there is the complete collection of Jane Austen's letters (that, alas, is £30).
Umm, also today I bought stamps (as in collectors' stamps) and ink.
******SO EXCITED******