*Stolen from surveyshiz*
Future Survey
1. What career would you like to have? No idea! I sometimes think I'd like to do something with photography but what I have no idea. I love history but what could I do with that.
2. How many years of college will that take? Well if I ever go back..
3. Will you move away for your job? I'd rather not.
4. Will you make a lot of money with that job?
5. What kind of place do you imagine yourself living in? (house, apartment, condo, townhouse, ect) House.
6. Would you like to have a place built so you can decide every detail or just buy a place that's already built? I am okay with buying a place already built..
7. How many bedrooms do you want in your home? 2 or 3.
8. Would you have anything special such as a balcony, mote, or inside gym? A balcony would be beautiful but it's not necessary.
9. What kind of view would you like from your home? Not sure.
10. Where do you want to live? Here.
11. What kind of car will you drive? No idea.
12. Will you get married? I hope so!
13. Anyone particular you have in mind? oh plently of people in mind.
14. Big or small wedding? Small.
15. Do you plan to wear the traditional white dress? Yes.
16. Where would you like to get married? Here.
17. What will be the colors of your wedding? I would like to do a black and white thing.
18. Will there be anything interesting at your wedding that most people don't do/have? Not sure.
19. Where would you like to honeymoon? No idea. Ireland maybe. Greece.
20. Do you want children? If so, how many? Not sure.
21. Would you ever want to have twins? I don't know if I even want kids let alone twins.
22. Would you rather have a c-section or go natural? Probably c-section, I was a c-section.
23. If you don't have a c-section, do you plan to have an epidural?
24. Who would you want in the delivery room? My husband.
5. Do you have preferred sexes or order for your children? Don't care.
26. Any names picked out? No.
27. Do you plan to name your children after anyone you know? No idea.
28. Are you going to spoil your children? No.
29. Will you move away when you retire? Not sure.
30. Do you think you'll only marry once? I hope so. |