Haven't yet. but I plan on it, after my dad quits hogging the bike. haha.
1 bananna
1 16oz water with Crystal Light To Go Peach Tea
Sorry i havent been around in a while. School and work have been killing me. Frankly, I fell off the weight bandwaggon, and i felt embarassed to have nothing to report but weight gain and feeling like a goof for not sticking with it, again. But now, I'm back on and ready for the long haul.
Crystal Light is a genius.
If you havent tried the water add-ins yet, I suggest you get on the bandwaggon. They are so good! My personal favorites are the Peach Tea, Raspberry Lemonade, and the Fruit Punch (it tastes just like kool-aid. It even gives you the red mouth. haha.) Plus, it gives you a break from water if you get sick of it and it only has ten calories per 16 oz bottle, which is deffinately better than reaching for a can of pop.
I've been watching a lot of weight losing programs here lately. There's one called Diet Tribe that I think Lifetime is promoting, wich basically have 5 friends lose weight together. It's deffinately a look into the life of obese weight loss, and how hard it is for some people. They reminded me a lot of myself and the struggles that i've gone through. Frustration was the biggest part of the group. As one girl said: "I'd rather do 12 hours of laundry than go to the gym." I totally agree! I'm also going to start watching Biggest Loser, which starts tonight (tues.) at 8 on NBC. Not only do these programs help you feel like you're not the only one out there with a weight problem, they can also offer support and help in losing weight.
I've also been eating a lot less by eating a lot slower. It actually works. I went out to dinner with my mom and i didnt even eat half of the spaghetti that i had been given so i took it home and i still have some left over. (It was diet friendly spaghetti. Angel hair pasta with artichokes and instead of sauce it was tomatoes and a little bit of oil.)
Well thats it for now. I hope everyone had a great holiday and I'll talk to you guys later. :)