Thank you so much for all the lovely words of encouragement on my last entry. It really helped a lot.
So these last couple of days have been Aunt Flo days, so I havent been doing so great as I thought because when she comes into town, I basically turn into a gargoile (sp?). But I dont think I did SO horrible, considering I usually eat up the entire world. lol.
I didnt really do any updating in my recent blog, so here I go:
1. Boyfriend. A new one, named Zach. He's sweet, makes me laugh, and thinks im great just the way I am. In fact, he met me at school, an institution where I usually wear tshirt, jeans and no makeup. Score! haha. Our first kiss was New Years, and we'll be going out a month on the 30th.
2. School. I'm in my second to last semester at the old place. I'm currently looking into more classes to get my bachelors degree and then after that, graduate school.
3. Writing. Hasn't been going so great (as you can probably tell from the lack of entries. haha.) I will get back into the swing of things though. I'm actually working on a little project right now. Its not much as of this moment, but I feel that it will be some sort of nancy drew like mystery thing. Girls need a strong and smart girl to look up to.
I've been looking up ways to lose weight, maybe not the easiest ways, but definitely something to spark my imagination. Something that intrigued me was something that I heard on the John Tesh hour and I need to check his website to get the accurate diet, but basically you swap bad food for better for you food thats like the same thing. Ulitimately, I dont think theres any real "fad" diet. Basically, you're going to have to start eating somewhat healthier and excersising. At least, for me. I think with me, though, I'm gonna have to do it all or nothing, because as previous attempts have suggested, if I decide to "cheat" than I sink myself. Although, having a cheat day on sunday actually worked out really well for me (especially wanting really fattening food after drinking on saturday. lol.) As long as I remember to keep focused and keep doing sundays as my cheet day and NOT faltering, than it should work out really well.
I've even got the workout thing in check. Zach's family has a membership to the Y and he can take guests (me) for FREE.
Of course, I have the Park a block from me with the really nice track to it as well, but it's been so cold lately.
I think I'm gonna shoot for 100 ounces of water. Thats roughly a little more than six bottles of water. Thats less than a gallon of water. With someone my size, I have to drink a LOT more water than "regular folk". Besides, I bet if I cut out the sugary soda I've gotten into lately, I'll drop a lot of pounds really fast. (well maybe not a LOT but some.)
Well I gotta scat. Class starts in thirty minutes and im still in pjs. lol.