Possible venues are very limited. My wedding will be in a town of 400 people if that tells you anything haha. One possible venue is called Club 95. Here is the link, I cant remember how to do pictures with HTML lol, but yeah.
It is a venue that my uncle has his wedding reception at. I am trying to figure out prices, I know I need a 400 deposit at least, I will put that down when we decide FOR SURE we are doing this haha.
I am also waiting on the Taylor Rod and Gun club prices, it is more country then Club 95. I really have no other options though, country is running wild in back country Wisconsin.
Those are the two venues within minutes of the church. The positives and negatives...well, Taylor rod and gun does not provide ANYTHING. I will be responsible for everything including food, and I will be responsible for making it not look country haha.
Club 95 at least provides food, and liquor, and everything except the DJ. It will just be more expensive. Hm. Choices.