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Living in the whirlwind of life
by Bridgett AlexEus

previous entry: Santa letter *edit letter added*

next entry: Hes her hero....

My niece....


Does not like me I mean she loves me and we don't fight that much but she does not want me to baby sit her (yea I don't want to....) and her and her mother had a talk about if something happens to my sister where Ciara (niece) would go yea I am on the bottom of the list... it goes:

~My mother
~My father
~Her grandmother
~Her father
~My brother

Wtf? I have been with that child 8 and a half years it was me putting her to bed every night up until 6 months ago it was me helping with homeworking cooking dinner taking her to the park..... it shouldn't bother me but it does....

previous entry: Santa letter *edit letter added*

next entry: Hes her hero....

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