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until the seven stars go squawking
by saturnalia

previous entry: 3:: seventh of february, twenty seventeen

4:: ninth of february, twenty seventeen


this place has really died.

i mean, it's really, really dead.


i thought i'd come back for the sense of community.

the need not to be read by thousands of followers

but to share and converse with just a handful of people--


but it's sort of dredges here, now.

prosebox is so much cleaner.

and there's stuff to read. and diversity of people.

there's not much diversity here.

or much of anything.

kind of sad. 


i dunno.

i miss the old days, i guess,

but maybe this chapter is closed, too.

previous entry: 3:: seventh of february, twenty seventeen

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I've been reading you but didn't say anything because I'm a stalking, skulking weirdo? I don't write tho, because I am terrible.

[girlsetsfire|0 likes] [|reply]

Yes indeed it is. It's old news now (these entries were meant to be private but I accidentally posted this one publically XD) but in hindsight, it's just...ridiculous.

[Poetic Justice|0 likes] [|reply]

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