Wintry days..
Decided to come back after realizing..oh yes I had a dairy on this site and it's working again. =p Don't have too much time to update now, so it might be quick. Have to head into work soon and our christmas party is today so..hope I don't eat too much. xP Things have been a little iffy here lately..for reasons I'll have to explain in a later entry but, I'm managing. Mostly because I go back home this weekend. To stay for a week. And hang out with my family and friends for a week. =D So damned excited. I miss my mom to death and it'll be great to hug and be around her versus a phone call when we get the time. Also am doing all my xmas shopping when I get up there..cause I don't know area well enough down here to venture out and shop on my own. =s Plus it beats having to carry gifts with me when I fly or ship em home. Just dread the last minute shopping rush I'm bound to run into. Ah well. I heart shopping so I'll deal. And I think I'm going with my brother when he picks me up from the airport. Which is pretty sweet cause we help each other pick out good gifts for people and I always have a blast with him. =] And he takes me out to eat after usually.
Anyways..I need depserately to finish getting ready, put on my make-up and all that so I'm out for now!