I haven't been on bloop much recently so apologies for not replying to messages
Today I feel fantastic! I am now 76.5 Kgs I can't believe how much I let myself go. I just got off the phone to my Mum and she was telling me that when I lose 10kgs since my wedding, to go down to the shopping centre and lift a 10kg bag of potatos lol. I was thinking....yeh I might but if I do that, I may as well lift 17kgs because that's how much I would have lost since my highest weight. I only have 6.5kilos to lose until that hahahaha.
But then I still have 20kgs to lose on top of that...
Mum said she has some really nice dresses that she wants to give to me and once I reach 55kgs she's going to send them down. I'll know if I would fit into them. I have this dress she gave me back when I was 15 years old and it doesn't fit anymore. Just before I met my husband, I went down to about 65kgs and the dress zipped all the way up but was still tight. I put that weight back on though lol. Anyway, Yeh, I think 55kgs would be ideal as far as buying and receiving clothes are concerned
Signing off now