Tomorrow my Church is going Christmas Caroling... i was in charge impromtu as a fellow member asked, and i asked the deaconate board... omg crazyness and pettyness then ensued... WOW..
So to be able to say that i have a finalized route and plan is like AMAZING to me.
we are going to start at a nursing home, then head out to our members that live in the country and end up at a member's house for Chili. I am bringing a Bacon cheese snack bread to dip into my chili ... cus that just sounds super yummyliciousness!
i am hoping that the Christmas Caroling gets me into the holiday mood n lifts my spirits.
Talked to Sallie Mae again today... They never got back in the mail the last stuff i sent... So im like whaaaaaaaaaaaat. this is like the third time i sent stuff and it never got there. Grrr. freaking A. really sucks having 3.93 to my name and owing like 25k in student loans.
Your like well how are you not making anything on AVON??? Well all my AVON Profit goes back into my AVON such as business tools and things. |