Nope, he doesn't. He used to bite when he was younger. He'd lick our hands and then when he was done, bite. But it wasn't like he ever really would BITE, it never hurt or drew blood, it was like a nibble. He'll still nibble if he's trying to get dead skin off of our fingers, lol. But he's never playfully/angrily bit us. Did you get yours fixed? They're more likely to bite and be aggressive at times if they're not fixed.
Ooh, no, you're right, you're not supposed to bathe them. Only if you ABSOLUTELY have to. I would've never bathed him had there been another way to get him to be non-sticky, lol. If you do ever have to bathe them, only in an inch or so of water (never more than above their stomach), because when rabbits are immersed in water, they go into shock.