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Conservative Values's Diary
by Conservative Values
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Conservative Values's Diary
by Conservative Values

previous entry: WHY does Obama HATE CREATING NEW JOBS??

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Canadians DESPERATE for ATTENTION!! from America!!



Today, as both the President and Canadian PM announced a new border deal that will supposedly make crossing the border easier, more secure and better for trade all at the same time, a Toronto Star reporter asked White House officials why the U.S. media wasn't paying attention to its northern neighbors. As Politico reported, the Star reporter wanted an explanation for American indifference to an agreement that's been "hailed as the most significant step" since NAFTA, but that's being greeted, apparently, with crickets stateside:

"There’s been so much anticipation of this agreement in Canada for weeks now. When you look at the American media, it’s really not on the radar," Toronto Star’s Mitch Potter asked White House officials on the call. "I wonder if you can speak to the general differential inceptions of how important this is on the two sides of the border?"

Our very unscientific sampling of Google News for "Canada United States border deal" does see a bit of a trend in what the Star reporter mentioned. But, probably wisely, an unnamed U.S. official did not resort to South Park-ian clichés in response, deciding not to speak for the amorphous thing called "the American media" and skirting the question with politeness by saying our "relationship with Canada is a very important relationship."

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Golly gosh, you've been busy.

[BLOOP'S ALPHA BITCHStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Looking at the main page when i signed in today, it looks like you are the one who is desperate for attention.

[Vicariously|0 likes] [|reply]

i wonder if this guy is from CANADA? LOL!

[Conservative ValuesStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I'd be surprised to find out that you're educated. Do you know what construct validity means? You ought to apply it when you research your information.

[.::erin::.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

i googled it, and i still do not understand how it applies to my blog.

[Conservative ValuesStar|0 likes] [|reply]

all of the research you're doing, what kinds of websites are you using? I don't suppose you're a huge Fox fanatic? You need to be using non-biased sources otherwise your claims are invalid.

[.::erin::.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

a lot of my diary is just news and opinion articles. i am not even making any claims. i think you are the one who is not even reading, you are just coming here to spew your hate, because that is simply what liberals do. every time i say anything on the internet...the liberal attack squad just comes with their talking points and just throw it on me without reading.

[Conservative ValuesStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Exactly, "opinion articles".... my opinions are vastly different from yours, which is why I am less likely to agree with your posts anyway, but I'm more likely to listen if you use factual sources. Like from .edu or .gov websites. Had you provided non-biased informations based on fact, then I might give a shit. Liberals are not hateful. Conservatives spew their hate through their anti-gay messages and their misogynistic points of view that are directly tied to Christian values. While I consider myself a truly atheist individual, I respect the right that people in America have when it comes to religion. I do not respect those who believe that all citizens must be subjected to prayer in public school, that Alcoholics Anonymous is mandated in some alcohol-related sentencing even though not all individuals believe in a higher power which is called god in that program. I also disagree with trying to "get back to our religious roots" because that sounds an awful lot like what Islamic countries are doing by incorporating Shari'a Law into their legislature.

I am liberal because I care about the rights of minorities and I aim for equality for all. I care about women's rights, religious rights, small business rights, the abolition of corruption in congress. I think the act of caring for others regardless of their beliefs matching mine is not hateful. Most importantly to me, education is power and by prohibiting people from information, we become ignorant and corrupt without even knowing it.

I respect your freedom to believe whatever you want, but I think you'll gain more followers if you use non-biased (non-opinionated) sources.

[.::erin::.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

if not having an opinion is what i have to do to "gain followers" then i do not want to gain followers. i have my own opinions and i will express them without having the liberal hivemind on this site try to FORCE me to do other wise. have a nice day.

[Conservative ValuesStar|0 likes] [|reply]

It's just too bad that all you do is look for anti-liberal propaganda and actually believe it. You can bet I'll have a nice day.

[.::erin::.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Get your Conservative arse in gear and click my eggz!

Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one
 today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today!

[BLOOP'S ALPHA BITCHStar|0 likes] [|reply]

He won't click on your eggs. That would mean he would have a hand in the birth of a living creature, be it fictional, virtual, or full of blood and guts. He does not know the definition of the word "fun" nor does he enjoy the company of other beings. He has no sense of humor, and he only crawls out from under that rock of his when he has something to preach to the masses.

He is a bitter, wounded man..

I am the friendliest person I know, yet, he ignores me and it makes me sad. I shall make a snowflake in his honor, and perhaps, he will be cured of his ignorance and hatred for all things anti-American. Or, the hell with everyone else, I'm in this for me...

[Unauthorized|0 likes] [|reply]

Funny, I mustn't be a very good Canadian, because I don't care much at all about the border agreement.

[~Aiure|0 likes] [|reply]

Crossing the boarder is pretty fucking easy already.
I can get to downtown Detroit faster than i can get to my local walmart.
sure the boarder traffic can sucks sometimes. The tunnel congesting the downtown core, or the 18-wheelers backing up from the 401 to the bridge but people can still get to and from the US easily.
The twin bridge will go up i'm sure. If it doesn't my city just spent millions for a road to nowhere. haha

[just samma;Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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