(CNSNews.com) - President Barack Obama’s weekly approval rating remained at its all-time low for the second straight week, according to the Gallup poll.
In the week of April 11-17 and again in the week of April 18-24, 43 percent of the Americans polled by Gallup said they approved of the job Obama was doing as president.
That matched the all-time low for Obama’s weekly approval in the Gallup poll. Previously, Obama had earned a 43 percent approval rating in the back-to-back weeks of Aug. 16-22, 2010 and Aug. 23-29, 2010.
Obama’s weekly approval rating peaked at 67 percent in the week of Jan. 19-25, 2009—the week he was inaugurated.
Gallup publishes approval ratings for the president on both a daily and weekly basis. The daily approval number is based on a three-day average. The lowest three-day average approval the president has ever received is 41 percent. Obama’s three-day approval rating has hit that nadir five times—including for the three-day periods of April 12-14, 2011; April 13-15, 2011; Oct. 21-23, 2010; Aug. 16-18, 2010; and Aug. 15-17, 2010.
For the three-day period ending yesterday, Obama’s approval rating was 42 percent, one point above its all-time three-day low.
Gallup typically asks more than 3,000 people per week whether they approve or disapprove of the job the president is doing. Last week, the polling firm asked 3,037 people of they approved or disapproved of the job Obama is doing, and the week before that it asked 3,614. |