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by ~alex
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About me...
by ~alex

previous entry: Ugh ima be a house wife

next entry: Ugh im bored and eating

Been a little while


I know its been a while sence i last blogged but i havent had much going on the talk about and i still dont really. Kyle and i are still together stronger. Were getting a room together sat night...thank god. Im excited for that. School sucks im getting nervous about my College Alg class that i have in the semester. Its for days a week over 2 hours a day of straight math. I worry that im not going to be able to keep up, but i figured one day at a time. I try not to stress about it to much bc ill get over whelmed. But yea not much to say....

- this layout was made by simple layouts.

previous entry: Ugh ima be a house wife

next entry: Ugh im bored and eating

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Eek! I wouldn't be able to survive that amount of Mathematics, lol. XD.

[Lady ElphabaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

good luck with all that math and you will have no problem. Take care and Have a great day.

[JessbabyblueStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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