Last night I had the worst migraine in a long time. I've always suffered from them as a young child. I usually do pretty well, but since I started working in the school system I've been dealing with them on a regular basis. I'm not sure if it's because it takes me all the will power I have to go to work and unhappy about my sistuation or I'm just a piece of crap and need to deal with it. I managed to fall asleep for 4 hours last night. I decided to call out today and rest. I'm utterly exhausted from the lack of sleep and I feared the migraine would come back while I was at work. It's afternoonish now and my migraine still is not gone. I sent Mark a text message in the morning to let him know what was going on. He said he woke up a few times because I was tossing and turning a lot and he's glad I decided to stay home.
I ended up meeting with Carolyn after school yesterday. She has a position open in her preschool/daycare as a preschool teacher in one of her classrooms. I've known her since I was 16 years old working afternoons when someone else owned the preschool/daycare. Now that she is director and one of the preschool teachers things have turned around so much. Buisness is booming haha. The only reason why I'm considering a new job right now is due to money. The way the school system splits up the checks all year long I'm barely making any more and can barely afford to live. Mark has been helping me out with a few things, but it's also taking away money that we put aside for our mortage each month. Ed Techs don't make that much money. Mark thinks I should go with Carolyn so things will be easier for us like it was before I went in the school system. I still would not be making a TON of money, but I'd be getting roughly $410-$500 more a month than I am getting now. To me that's a HUGE difference. I have a car payment, student loans, internet bill, and electric bill that needs to be paid by me. $958 a month is not cutting it. Just by writing my thoughts down I feel like I already made up my mind, but then I will second guess myself and not know what to do.
I decided to watch the Newsies on Hulu today. I usually try to keep myself busy no matter how I feel when I stay home sick, but today I am listening to my body. I REALLY need to just relax and lounge around the house. As I was flipping through Hulu this morning I noticed a ton of movies I loved watching as a child. I'm totally okay with watching Disney movies for a while.
I put my huge bird feeder out this winter and we've attracted so many birds in our yard. I never thought I'd enjoy it so much.